Giancarlo Iliprandi - idee dei mille colori
︎︎︎Book design
Boeri Cristina、Bruno Raffaella、Calabi Daniela Anna
Marte Ceroni、Marte Conte
researcher, layout designer
DesignVerso is the editorial prototype of a 'design series' conceived as an educational project in the Fundamentals of Design Workshop. Each issue of the series is imagined by students as a monograph dedicated to illustrious figures in design. This site collects some of the final results developed over the academic years.
The 'Protest Ideas' column aims to make readers familiar with the rebellious spirit of Giancarlo Iliprandi, both in the social field. A supporter of the freedom of thought and constructive criticism, Iliprandi often expressed his views through posters and placards that still convey their message in a clear and powerful way."