K-means Clustering

︎︎︎Information design
︎︎︎Poster design


Ángeles Briones, Gabriele Colombo, Michele Mauri, Simone Vantini, Salvatore Zingale

Silvia Alatamura, Ana Doric, Wanlin Li, Jessica Moreschi, Martina Paggi, Matteo Repetto, Lucrezia Valentini

Graphic designer

This project is an interactive poster on algorithm visualization. It uses the takeaway service of a sushi restaurant as an example to vividly explain what K-means Clustering is and how it is calculated and operated. The poster includes a large disc that readers can turn to see how the results of calculations change. The poster ends with an explanation of the threshold method, cleverly explaining the process of calculating the optimal number of clusters with the example of a sushi restaurant.



©️ Wanlin Li