
︎︎︎Interaction design
︎︎︎UI/UX design


Mariana Ciancia, Ilaria Mariani, Walter Mattana, Leonardo Codamo

Eilaf Alharbi - Ana Doric - Wanlin Li - Nicole Moreschi - Matteo Repetto

UX designer, 3D modeling designer

ADHD is a common disorder in young kids. It is often described as "lack of motivation". The most common symptoms are hyperactivity and disattention. TODO is a service that aims to increase the sense of independence of the child in the home environment through a step-by-step guide with customizable tasks and the possibility to see the improvements. It is focused on ADHD children between 6-10 years old and their parents/caregiver. The service is composed of two parts: an app for parents to schedule their child's daily tasks and track their progress, and a wearable device for kids that provides constant feedback and step-by-step instructions.


︎︎︎ Why ADHD?

︎︎︎ User Research

︎︎︎ UI design

︎︎︎ Wearable Device


©️ Wanlin Li